Versions and Languages
PBI versions
Linguistically validated translations of the PBI have usually been performed as follows:
- independent translations by 2 native speakers
- independent back-translations by 2 native speakers
- tabulation of all translations (sentence by sentence) with listing of all differences between translations and differences between back translations and original
- translators’ and methodologists’/authors’ conference (sentence by sentence) to find a consensus on the final translation
- proof reading of the final questionnaire by a native speaker
To date, the following disease-specific versions of the PBI are available: | To date, the following translations of this version have been performed: |
PBI-S Standard version for skin diseases including, among others, acne vulgaris, atopic eczema, and psoriasis vulgaris (long version) |
Chinese (Taiwan), Czech (Czech Republic), Croatian (Croatia), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), Dutch (Belgium), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (UK), English (USA), French (Canada), French (France & Belgium), French (Switzerland), German (Austria), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Greek (Greece), Hungarian (Hungary), Italian (Italy), Italian (Switzerland), Japanese (Japan), Korean (Korea), Polish (Poland), Russian (Russia), Slovenian (Slovenia) Spanish (Spain), Spanish (USA), Swedish (Sweden), Turkish (Turkey), Ukrainian (Ukraine) |
PBI-S-10 Standard version for skin diseases (10-item short version) |
As PBI-S, see above |
PBI 2.0 Short and revised version for skin diseases including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, ulcus cruris, and vitiligo |
German (Germany), Japanese (Japan) |
PBI-HS Acne inversa / hidradenitis suppurativa |
German (Germany) |
PBI-AK Actinic keratosis |
German (Germany) |
PBI-AH Aged skin |
German (Germany) |
PBI-AR Allergic rhinitis |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-Asthma Asthma bronchiale |
German (Germany) |
PBI-AR-K Allergic rhinitis in children |
German (Germany), English (UK) |
PBI-AIT Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: special version for treatment with Allergen Immunotherapy |
German (Germany) |
PBI-AD-K Atopic dermatitis in children (to be filled in by child or parents, depending on the child’s age) |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-AY Acne vulgaris in adolescents |
German (Germany) |
PBI-HE Chronic hand eczema |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-HH Hyperhidrosis |
German (Germany) |
PBI-Reha-Dorso Rehabilitation of dorsopathy |
German (Germany) |
PBI-Reha-Hip-Knee Rehabilitation after hip or knee endoprothesis |
German (Germany) |
PBI-W Chronic wounds |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-UAW Chronic wounds, special version for evaluation of ultrasound treatment |
German (Germany), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-K Cosmetic indications |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-IZ Interstitial cystitis |
German (Germany), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-L Lymphedema |
German (Germany), English (UK), Polish (Poland) Turkish (Turkey) |
PBI-MS Multiple sclerosis |
German (Germany) |
NAPPA-PBI: Nail psoriasis |
German (Germany), Italian (Italy), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Portuguese (Portugal), Greek (Greece), Danish (Denmark), Japanese (Japan), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-NF Neurofibromatosis |
German (Germany), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-POD Peripheral artery occlusive disease |
German (Germany), English (UK) |
PBI-P Pruritus |
German (Germany, Austria), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (USA), English (UK), English (USA), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-PsA Psoriatic arthritis |
German (Germany) |
PBI-Rheuma Rheumatoid arthritis |
German (Germany) |
PBI-TOP Topical treatment of skin diseases |
German (Germany), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK) |
PBI-RO Rosacea |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-V Venous diseases |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |
PBI-Vit Vitiligo |
German (Germany), Russian (Russia), Dutch (Netherlands), Italian (Italy), French (France), Spanish (Spain), English (UK), Polish (Poland) |